
Pregnancy adventures of a first timer

Some advice

Over the past 25 weeks I've received an overwhelming amount of advice on parenting, childbirth, pediatricians, gear -- you name it. The pregnant woman is never safe from advice, nor the questions, "When are you due? What are you having?" 

Todd and I have so many wonderful friends who are parents. We are fortunate to have their experiences to learn from, as we prepare for our new adventure. 

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"Raising kids is all about keeping perspective and enjoying the ride." 
Sean Hughes

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"In the beginning, when your baby is crying, it's helpful to hold her skin to skin. She needs to feel your touch, and listen to your heartbeat. It's calming."
Toph Philbrook

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"Josh and I sing a Hebrew prayer to Hannah each night before bedtime. We started this routine from the very first day we brought her home. Now, she identifies this song with sleep, and it helps soothe and calm her before bedtime."
Carrie Brown

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Sharon Lemon

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